OUR PHONE NUMBER: 011-20609226



【RISAL x 敗家媽咪 新馬獨家首發】


(每組 FREE 維生素檸檬C軟糖x1 + 橘色蔬果萃取x2 sachets)


任選兩組額外折扣 RM10 (coupon: RISAL10)


西馬 RM10 (訂單滿RM100免運)

東馬 RM20 (訂單滿RM200 免運)

新加坡 RM30



Brand Origin & Introduction


Risal is a healthcare brand which has its own Japanese backgrounds in Baby&Kids medicine, like for example, kids flu granules & medical devices like cooling patches.  

Risal also has a complete line of Kids food supplements.  We believe that “kids are not small version of adults”, they need a specialized dosage and have different requirements, for example, probiotics for lacto-intolerant children, fish oil capsules which are chewable and melt in mouth. 

They are more easily to take, more safe & more kids friendly. 
For Kids, providing safe, trusted and high quality products is our priority.   

The selection of scientifically-proved ingredients, the exclusion of artificial additives, the guarantee amount of active ingredients of every batch are what make our products special.  One of our best-selling products is Soft Candy.  Unlike other candies, they contain good amount of extra nutrition.  In this way, our candy is not only delicious but also offer great amount of nutritional benefits.


Quality and safety assured


ISO9001 Quality Management System Certified

由國際標準化組織(International Organization for Standardization)為品質管理系統設立的一套標準,主要對於品質保證作業員則與流程進行審查,目前已有超過170個國家採用此國際標準應用於其標準作業流程,第三方驗證機構作為稽核,以確保客戶獲得一致的優質產品與服務。

A set of quality management system standards established by the International Organization for Standardization is used for review of principles and procedures of quality assurance.  There have been more than 170 countries adopting these international standards in their standardized operation procedure. These third party inspection bodies provide inspection services to ensure the customers receive consistent and high quality products and services.


HACCP Food Sanitation and Safety Certification

HACCP為Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point?食品衛生安全的重點控制,系統的重點是以預防的角度,並監控製造食品的每一步驟,來生產最低危害風險的產品,以確保客戶取得安全、健康的食品。

HACCP is Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point, a critical control in food sanitation and safety. The system focuses on the monitoring of every step of food manufacturing process from a perspective of prevention in order to provide customers safe and healthy products with the minimum hazard risk.


TQF Food GMP Guidelines Certified (production line in Taiwan)

前身為台灣食品GMP,2015年後導入台灣優良食品TQF(Taiwan Quality Foood)驗證制度,除了與國際食品安全驗證單位接軌,還有第三方公正單位檢查食品工廠,保障消費者食品安全。

Previously known as the Taiwan Food GMP, the Taiwan Quality Food (TQF) verification system was introduced in 2015, which not only bridges with international food safety verification organizations, but also third party impartial units for inspection of food manufacturer to ensure food safety.


Risal【御力C 維生素C咀嚼錠 (FREE 維生素檸檬C軟糖x1包 + 橘色蔬果萃取x2 sachets)】(現貨1-3天發貨)
RM105.00 Ex Tax: RM105.00

商品特色小兒利撒爾 御力C 維生素C咀嚼錠RISAL Vitamin C Chewable Tablets添加300mg高單位維生素C,維持健康抗氧力添加柑橘多酚(橙苷萃取),強化維生素C使用率添加β..

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Risal【綠色益生菌-活菌12 (FREE 維生素檸檬C軟糖x1包 + 橘色蔬果萃取x2 sachets)】(現貨1-3天發貨)
RM175.00 Ex Tax: RM175.00

小兒利撒爾 活菌12 (綠色益生菌)RISAL Probiotics Granules添加12種菌株益菌配方,多元完整的益生菌,改變消化道菌叢,幫助排便順暢。以益生元為基底的無糖配方,提升消化道機能,..

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Risal【藍色益生菌-機能活菌12 (FREE 維生素檸檬C軟糖x1包 + 橘色蔬果萃取x2 sachets)】(現貨1-3天發貨)
RM225.00 Ex Tax: RM225.00

小兒利撒爾 機能活菌12 RISAL Probiotics for Lactose Intolerance含美國專利凝乳芽孢乳酸菌BC30等12種多元完整益生菌,改變消化道菌叢,幫助排便順暢..

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